

This year we have organized the English Summer Camp again from 22nd of June till 3rd of July. Forty-five children have participated in it doing different activities, such as:
-      Sports (swimming, cycling, tennis, ping-pong, football, basketball, badminton...)
-      Handicrafts
-      Theatre
-      Digital Board Games
-      Board games
-      Cooking
All the participants have had a really good time by doing these activities.
We would like to thank all the people who helped us make this summer camp possible!!!
We wish you happy summer holidays.
Aurten ere ingeleseko udalekuak egon dira gure eskolan ekainaren 22tik uztailaren 3ra. 45 ikaslek hartu dute parte ekintza ezberdin hauetan:
-      Kirola (igeriketa, bizikletan txangoa, tenisean, ping-pongean, futbolean, saskibaloian, badmintonean...)
-      Eskulanak
-      Antzerkia
-      Ordenagailuetako jolasetan
-      Mahai jokoetan
-      Sukaldaritza.
Denok oso ondo pasatu dugu.
Eskerrik asko bihotzez lagundu gaituzuen guztioi!!
Oso ondo pasa oporretan!!!

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